Pitch Your Product: A Lesson Plan

Brian Randolph
2 min readJan 21, 2021


Pitch Your Product: Sell me your fictional online product by detailing why I need it. Tell me why I can trust your product. Why is your product the best? Tell me why I can’t live without it.

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash


Using the digital storytelling web tool, Medium.com, promote your product in a unique & creative way. Included in your sales pitch should be a clear definition of your product, the intended market, & the targeted consumer.

Remember these key points:

  • Identify your consumer (loyal, impulse &wandering, bargain hunters, or need-based).
  • Clearly describe what your product does. Give it a ringing endorsement
  • Illustrate why it’s desirable & essential.
  • Target the consumer’s market (food & beverage, retail base, health, financial, etc) & tailor your pitch based on behavior, geographical, psychological, & demographic characteristics.

By using Medium.com you will publish your pitch & your peers will have the opportunity to comment. Be sure to use all the resources that Medium.com allows (pictures, creative fonts, etc.). Get creative!

Be mindful that your product will be exclusively advertised via e-commerce (websites, social media platforms, etc.)

Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

Learning Outcomes:

Once completed you will have successfully pitched your product you will have completed the following:

  • Creatively built an online sales presentation directed to a consumer & their market.
  • Navigated a web tool that assisted in creating an appealing aesthetic that succinctly & clearly promotes your product.
  • Personalized your voice to demonstrate the benefits of your products essential qualities.
Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash


This assignment will reflect your understanding of how to market a product exclusively online. You should have clearly demonstrated who your target audience is & the niche being fulfilled within the consumer model. The web tool (Medium.com) should tell your product’s story in an engaging way with just enough details to make it desirable.

